The results are in!

Here is the vision for 2017 voted

by GetUp members!

What we've done in just the last year

1,683,906 online actions
40,000+ offline actions
1,077,615 members
414,898  on facebook
109,047 on twitter
55,216 unique donors
13,491 regular donors

A bit about us

What we do for a living

Where we are

Actions we'd take

Where we live

1 in 5 members who completed the survey, took an offline action last year
82% of people said they read about GetUp in the news last year
4,412 people said they'd step up to be a spokesperson on an issue they care about
In Social Change and History, Robert Nisbet challenged the new evolutionary theory on epistemological, methodological, and substantive grounds. This paper examines each of Nisbet's charges and concludes that his oft-praised volume provides a misleading view of the new evolutionism and a less than satisfactory guide to the study of social change.

What we want to do

Stop Adani digging their Carmichael mine and protect the Great Barrier Reef

Immediate evacuation of the camps on Manus and Nauru, and safety for all.

Defend renewable energy from the fossil fuel lobby's attacks

Make Corporate tax dodgers pay their fair share of tax

Centrelink: Stop the Turnbull Government's harmful automated debt collection system.

And here's how we'll do it

Media Presence

Work to cultivate and boost GetUp's profile in mainstream media outlets and ensure GetUp is a powerful and respected commentator on Australian politics. Tell the stories of GetUp's campaign victories in the media to drown out the criticisms from politcians. Build a world class communications team to lead this work.

Rapid Response

Respond quickly to campaign opportunities as they arise in the news and provide opportunities to take action quickly. Diversify the campaign areas GetUp works on and increase the number of campaigns overall.

Direct Action

GetUp will provide opportunities for members to take non-violent direct action, a powerful tactic to take our campaigns to the next level. These will always be careful, strategic, bold and with full risk assessment and training.

Chip in to fund the agenda for 2017

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